Monday, May 18, 2015

Having The Right Equipment For Your Service Animal Makes A Big Difference

Register My Service Animal

While service dogs are important to many people in terms of mobility and "invisible" disabilities, most people unfamiliar with service dogs still think of guide dogs or hearing assist dogs as the only dogs that qualify.
Service dogs come in a wide variety of services such as autism service dogs, diabetic alert and response dog, hearing service dogs, migraine alert dogs, mobility service dogs, narcolepsy alert and response dogs, psychiatric service dogs, and seizure alert and response dogs. As human need changes, our dogs will be right beside us to help us through whatever problems we might have.
The New Discrimination
As the duties of service dogs increase, so do the numbers of service dogs. With more people seeing service dogs and dogs that perform certain duties, there is more discrimination against service dogs than ever before. Much of the discrimination has to do with pet owners calling their pets service dogs even though the dog isn't trained and doesn't have the right identification. With this discrimination on the rise against service dogs and even discrimination against allowing service dogs in certain places with their owners, it's vitally important to have your dog marked what kind of job he's doing, especially if your disability is "invisible."
Identify Your Dog Properly
You can mark your dog as a real service dog using the correct service dog equipment, including badges, vests, ID tags, capes, and other equipment that properly identifies your dog. Having identification as to your condition as well may help prove to those who want to discriminate against your dog that you indeed have a medical condition that warrants a service dog.
While no one wants to think that this prejudice would occur, it's important to prevent the challenge in the first place. Yes, you have recourse through the law, and while the law is on your side, it is best to stop the problem even before it starts.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Emotional Support Animals Reduce Stress and PTSD Symptoms

Register My Service Animal, LLC

Many studies have proven that reduce stress and lower blood pressure.   They are also shown, by a cardiology study, to be linked to the owner's heart's ability to be able to adapt to stressful situations. In addition to that, research also provides evidence that the emotional benefits of a relationship between owner and pet is equivalent to that of a humans'. Scientists have also discovered that petting an animal can release endorphins, making us feel happier.
These men and women have said that after being able to connect with their dog, they're like a remembrance that everything is alright. Sometimes while experiencing an anxiety attack, just the brush of fur of their dog is able to bring them back to reality. They have also said that after a while of being with their pet, the attacks lessen more and more over time.
People with PTSD have reported that owning an emotional support animal dog has helped them to become better situated in social situations. People suffering from PTSD usually have drastic personality changes that may severely affect their social life. ESA's are able to draw out even the most isolated of personalities. Training the dogs simple service commands help them with their ability to communicate and how to be assertive without being aggressive. Some people have reported that their dog brings out their more emotional side, helping them to even further reconnect with friends and family.   
Contact us for more information: 
Phone:  (805) 439-2229